5 Things / legacy

This week, millions of people mourned the loss of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg and mourned the lack of justice for Breonna Taylor. Maybe you were one of those people. Or maybe you’re a leader of one of those people. Either way, I hope you gave yourself and your team grace and space to mourn.

RBG’s death has me thinking about legacy and leaving the earth better than I found it. She certainly did. Did you see the powerful photo of BRG’s former (yes, mostly white) law clerks standing as pallbearers on the Supreme Court steps?

To me it begs the question: how can I be the kind of leader for whom over 100 former co-workers are willing to show up as pallbearers in the middle of a pandemic?

How can you?

Here are some things that inspired me this challenging week, all of which came from outside the U.S.:

Finally, I wanted to share something my brilliant friend Michelle Silverthorn wrote on LinkedIn on Thursday:

If your company spoke up and said Black Lives Matter four months ago, and today they are silent, then please ask them exactly what they meant when they said Black Lives Matter? Do Black lives only matter when everyone else is speaking up and we have no choice but to join in? Because that is not how this works. At least … it shouldn't be.

Thanks for all you do to build a more inclusive world-

All the best,

Photograph by: The Washington Post


5 Things / ask better questions


5 Things / natural hair is beautiful