5 Things / ISO

Each week I sit down to write about stories I find and consider to be good news about diversity, equity, inclusion, and corporate social responsibility. Some weeks it’s really hard to focus on the positive, so I look for silver linings in horrible situations. Sometimes it’s hard to find those, too. This week I’m particularly stunned by the war in Ukraine, by the racism against Black and brown Ukrainian refugees at border crossings, and by the aggressive attacks against LGBTQ (especially trans) people in a bunch of U.S. states. 

So where are those silver linings? 

Not easy to find on those topics this week, but one thing I find myself reminded of, yet again: As a cisgender, white, English-speaking, non-disabled U.S. citizen, I have it really good. And I consider it my responsibility to show up for those who do not. I encourage you to reflect on what that could look like for you. There’s no shortage of organizations to support but email me for specific recommendations.

Here are the good vibes…


5 Things / Alignment


5 Things / Equity First