5 Things / Cat Equity

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This week I was responsible for caring for someone’s three cats (long story). One of the three cats is shy and the other two like to stare him down, scare him away from his food, and then eat it. They do this even though they still have their own food. There’s plenty of food. 

I decided to give the shy cat a head start by feeding him first and bringing the bowl directly to him. He gets to eat more this way. Cat equity.

Equity is, simply: more for those who need it. Now some could argue that the cat should toughen up, pull itself up by its fur, and fight to keep his food. I’d rather remember that there’s plenty of food and the cat just needs less oppressive access to it. 

Deep thoughts this week, dear reader….

Here Are This Week's Good Vibes:

  1. More states strive to make parks, trails accessible

  2. Dove and Open Source Afro Hair Library launch Code My Crown

  3. Companies leading in disability inclusion outperform peers

  4. Companies offer more generous bereavement leave in pandemic’s wake and expand who counts as ‘family’

  5. AI is helping new parents apply for paid leave

This Week’s Call to Action:

Listen to this interview with Better Allies’ Karen Catlin as she talks about inclusive holiday parties. It’s here on the Invisible Voices podcast.


5 Things / Measuring Up


5 Things / Follow the ARC