5 Things / Caring for Community

I’m spending this Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, at a queer bar with my family. Not my “chosen family” but my family of origin. My brother’s child, my godchild, is non-binary and manages a bar in Manhattan. They’re hosting all 20 or so of us this year. When I asked about their work, they told me, “I need to do work that is meaningful…I’m grateful to be caring directly for my community…I literally came out here and certainly came up here so it feels full circle.”

(It feels full circle to me as well. My late parents, immigrants from Ireland, owned an Irish pub and my siblings and I lived upstairs for years.)

Caring for community can take many forms. I’ve learned that the more I connect with my community, the happier I am. My wish for you this Thanksgiving week is community – in whatever form that takes. This is a reminder to you all as much as it is to me. I’m thankful to each of you for choosing to read 5 Things each week (but not next week), and for all you to build a more inclusive world. Keep going.

Here Are This Week's Good Vibes:

  1. Letting People Work From Home Is Good for Companies’ Revenue Growth

  2. When Kim Kardashian's nipple bra dropped, some people laughed. Breast cancer patients rejoiced.

  3. Pink to Give Away 2,000 Banned Books About Race and Sexuality at Upcoming Florida Tour Stops

  4. Mayor Wu Launches Supplier Diversity Week and Announces Efforts to Promote Equity in City Contracting

  5. Workday is reskilling employees by letting them take gig work in different parts of the company. Internal mobility and promotions have skyrocketed

This Week’s Call to Action:

This is Transgender Awareness Week, culminating in Transgender Day of Remembrance, where there are vigils all over commemorating those lost in anti-transgender violence. This is an epidemic everywhere. Patti Flynn, our Senior Consultant, shared her thoughts on why we remember and what we can do to create a brighter future for trans folks. 


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