5 Things / Client-Facing

I’ve recently booked several keynotes for audiences of sales professionals. I love this particular work because these are the people who are the face of the brand, yet often miss out on inclusion programming because they’re on the road or in the field.

As a business owner for many years, I’ve spent most of my career in client-facing roles, so I know a thing or two about how to not accidentally offend clients – and how to recover gracefully when you do. Let me tell you, it’s embarrassing. And chances are, you’ll never make THAT mistake again.

My key to resonating with this audience is to be crystal clear on their motivations – and let’s face it, it’s probably about making $$$$ and taking care of their family. I’m deeply familiar with that pressure. But at the end of the day, we can have a lot more fun at work if we have a more authentic relationship with our clients, and that starts with kind curiosity. It starts with following the ARC.

Here Are This Week's Good Vibes:

  1. LA Comedy Show Embraces Neurodiversity

  2. Phifer Transforms Employee Health Care

  3. Microsoft Focuses on Inclusive AI Development

    • In 2023, Microsoft faced backlash when its AI-powered Bing chatbot went rogue. To address bias, Microsoft has been embedding DEI within AI teams and systems. With over 50% of its workforce being racial and ethnic minorities, Microsoft is building a more inclusive AI by ensuring a diverse range of experts—anthropologists, linguists, and engineers—contribute to its development. ♐ Diversify your teams to reduce bias in outputs!

  4. Synchrony Offers On-Site Therapy Sessions

  5. SheDrives Empowers Trans, Women Riders

Good Vibes to Go:

Get Smarter in Seconds by watching this YouTube series by Blair Imani. Learn about Juneteenth in 90 seconds, about Ramadan in 30, and ADHD in a minute!


5 Things / Cruising