5 Things / Cheerleaders

My partner’s “Pop” (grandfather) recently passed at 92. At the memorial service, many people shared stories of times that Pop was there for them, cheering them on. Funerals are an opportunity to reconnect. They are an opportunity to reflect on the things that matter most – and the answer is never work. It’s relationships.

The persistent theme in my conversations with organizations of all kinds is disconnection. Even organizations with a strong legacy culture have struggled to recapture connection post-Covid. Here’s what I know: we all need a Pop, a cheerleader – and we can all do a better job of cheering on others.

One of my cheerleaders is Rita, my business manager of four years. You may have met her; no doubt you agree she’s amazing. I enjoy mentoring and cheering on other entrepreneurs because the struggle is real! Who can you turn to when you need to be cheered on? Believe it or not, asking is a great way to strengthen connections. How can you cheer on someone else?

This week’s good vibes are interesting things I’ve read, listened to, or am looking forward to, or people I’m cheering on. Thanks for the suggestion in the reader survey!

Here Are This Week's Good Vibes:

  1. Join the Politics of Belonging

    • Speaking of connections and cheerleaders, you can build some on September 19 at my good friend Rhodes Perry’s Belonging Circle. The theme is the "Politics of Belonging," focusing on how DEI intersects with issues like personal freedoms and health care. Participants will engage in resilience-building practices, build skills to navigate political differences and craft their commitment to creating inclusive cultures. Register here!

  2. Read One-Liner Responses to Anti-DEI

  3. Listen to this Episode of the Code Switch Podcast

  4. Subscribe to Charlotte’s Web Thoughts

    • Charlotte Clymer is a US veteran, Christian, and a trans woman who writes a substack called Charlotte’s Web Thoughts. You can find her on all the socials as well. Her writing brings the wisdom that comes from growing up poor in Texas, joining the military, and navigating all her unfolding identities. Here’s a recent essay: The Possibility of Choosing Each Other.

  5. Watch Will and Harper

    • Two years ago, Will Ferrell’s longtime friend, Saturday Night Live writer, Harper Steele, came out to him as a trans woman – and they decided to make a documentary. Their friendship grows as they embark on a 16-day road trip across America, revisiting significant places while navigating Harper’s reintroduction as her true self. I’m sure it’ll be funny and sweet. In theaters now and on Netflix on September 27.


5 Things / Hang On